The story behind the books

Destiny was released in September 2014 to a very eager crowd after a year long 'hype-train'. The game seemed promising, combining Bungie's refined first-person shooter mechanices with an MMO like RPG and bringing it all togther with an engaging story in a massive futuristic world. Unfortunately upon release Destiny didn't live up to the hype that preceeded it. The story was incomplete and hard to follow, being stretched out in multiple DLC and the game was much shorter with play time extended through excessive grinding. Despite these problems the Destiny community was massive and many players instantly connected with the strong gameplay and enjoyed working with friends to conquer the end-game raids.

The story took a back seat, with the majority of the details and background lore relegated to the Grimoire, a set of unlockable cards that could be accessed on Bungie's website for further reading. This was a frustrating experience and many players were not bothered to go through the extra steps to read it. It is dissapointing to think that so many players are yet to experience the story and lore that makes up this universe, many of the stories and characters are an interesting read if you can piece it together.

My goal for these Grimoire books was to bring Destiny's Lore from the online cards to a much more accessible and easy to read format. I am not the first to come up with this idea and there are a few Redditors who have achieved similar books. But my goal was more than that, it was to put the stories together in a more cohesive format and combine them with some of the best imagery from the Destiny Universe.

I do not own any of the images, logo's, names or stories in these books and all are property of Bungie and Activision. Many images were taken in game, some by me, others by fellow redditors, I have also used concept art direct from Bungie as well as a few artworks from the Destiny community, credit for these belong to their owners. I mearly compiled it all together.

I hope this brings the Destiny lore to many fellow Guardians.

~Cubic Eclipse (Nathan)

My goal for these Grimoire books was to bring Destiny’s Lore from the online cards to a much more accessible and easy to read format

Interested in learning more about the lore?