Destiny 2 Book Roadmap

It has been quite a long time since my last release, but it is good to be back!

First, some housekeeping! Due to budget constraints at the end of last year, I was unable to renew the website which led to it being taken down, thankfully I have a steady flow of income for the next couple of years which allows me to bring it back to you!

I have been undecided about what to do with the Destiny 2 lore as it is still a growing game. With the recent release of information regarding the future of Destiny I have decided to proceed with creating the books as the content is developed rather than waiting for the finished product like I did with the first Destiny. This is why I have developed the roadmap which you can view in the About section of the website..

The roadmap outlines my plans for book releases over the coming months and years (yes, years). It is a guideline and does not include dates as I am unsure of when I will complete each book. I am currently studying my Masters degree and working so my free time is not what it used to be. But my love for the Destiny universe will ensure the continuing release of this content to a community who love it just as much as I do!

Thanks for sticking with me!

-Cubic Eclipse

Books of Sorrow is now AVAILABLE

After a long wait due to some set backs, the first version of the Books of Sorrow are now available to download in PDF format. The printer friendly versions will drop later this week.

I apologize to all for the wait. I was hoping to have these out earlier, long with custom artwork but the art was just not going to happen so I had to restart in the original format.

I hope you all enjoy the complete D1 collection of grimoire.


A long silence

Hello Guardians,

It has been some time since I posted the original books and I am sure there are a few of you who thought that I had given up and disappeared. I can assure you that is not the case, I am still here and still working on future volumes.

The Book of Sorrows appendix is coming along well and will hopefully see the light of day later this year. There were delays because I decided I wanted the images for the book custom created to illustrate the story. It is difficult to find willing artists to work for free! But I may now have an artist on board and will be putting to book together as the illustrations come in.

Depending on time frames, I may end up releasing an earlier edition with in game screenshots as the artwork for those of you who cannot wait for the illustrated version.



They are finally here! Destiny Lore Books!

After a year of hard work, editing and formatting, I have finally been able to get the first two volumes of the Destiny's grimoire to a presentable state. Finally available to download by all!

The books are available in multiple formats and a guide to printing your own can be found in the FAQ section of the website.

I hope you all enjoy the stories, characters and places of Destiny as much as I do.

-Cubic Eclipse